Who we are


Compass is a loose and shifting group of about 14 artists and activists, who have been exploring our ties to different neighborhoods, cities, and rural parts around the midwest. It is a collective project of knowing where we are – of inhabiting, traversing and narrating what we call the Midwest Radical Culture Corridor.

The Compass is an open and evolving formation, a group, a process and an inspiration that asks: how are we inhabiting, discovering and creating the MRCC?

Currently, people working within/as the Compass Group include Brett Bloom, Nicholas Brown, Rozalinda Borcila, duskin drum, Bonnie Fortune, Ryan Griffis, Brian Holmes, Sarah Kanouse, Sarah Lewison, Amy Partridge, Claire Pentecost, Matthias Regan, Sarah Ross, Heath Schultz, Nick Smaligo, Fereshteh Toosi, Dan S. Wang, and Mike Wolf.

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